R.H.S. Chelsea Flower Show Medal Winner and one of Northern Ireland's leading wedding florists.

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Celebrating the season with flowers that mesmerize

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Designs By Therese, Your Local Cookstown Florist

Florist Choice Bouquets

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As professional florists we can offer flowers for all occasions including Weddings, Anniversaries, Births, Birthdays and Funerals. Our local flower delivery service covers Cookstown and the surrounding areas including Moneymore, Coagh, Tullyhogue, Pomeroy and Coalisland.

Looking to send flowers further afield? Then orders may be placed for same day delivery throughout the UK including London, England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. Through our international service we can take orders for overseas, please allow extra time for delivery.

Our Luxury Collection

Looking for something a little more special? Pick from our luxury collection below.

Hand tied bouquet made with the finest flowers.. £80.00Buy Now
Fresh flower florist choice bouquet £80.00Buy Now
Lily free hand tied bouquet made with the finest flowers... £100.00Buy Now
Ultimate Trending Spring Bouquet £75.00Buy Now